Active in Flanders and Brussels.
Flemish Centre of Expertise on Accessibility.
The Itinera Institute is an objectively and independently working organisation which researches and formulates recommendations on structural policy measures to adopt in order to promote sustainable economic growth and social protection.
(Dutch and French only)
The approach of the Braille league is based on the desire to support visually impaired people in order to help them optimise or keep their independence and to offer them the possibility to make their own choices. The Braille league is a Belgian non-profit organisation that provides free help and support in different aspects and times of life.
The website provides information regarding all administrative, economic, scholastic, social and professional aspects about severely ill, hospitalized children under the age of 16. (Dutch and French only)
with disabilities? What means of transport can get me there?
(Dutch and French only)
Dottie is a social network site where persons with disabilities of illnesses can get in touch with other persons who (have) experience (d) the same things.
(Dutch and French only)
This list has been compiled by vzw Tolbo in cooperation with the relevant organizations. The vzw Tolbo does not bear any responsibility regarding the content of these websites.
Accessibility, a challenge that involves each of us
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